Volunteers Needed for Next Week
We have a lot planned for the next few weeks to upgrade part of the urban farm, a project that is funded by a grant that PCC and the Sustainable Living Center recently received from the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District. As you have most likely already noticed, 20 very large stock tanks were delivered in front of the greenhouses.
Next week, we’ll start weed whacking/clearing the Thoreau Ave side next to the smaller greenhouse to prepare it for moving dirt and smoothing out the ground with a rented bobcat, which we’ll start doing the week of June 17th. After the ground is smooth, we will set up new irrigation lines, roll out new landscape fabric, set the new stock tanks on top of concrete blocks and then use the bobcat to fill the tanks with pea gravel and soil. We’ll also work on installing the new gravel path that will run between the new outdoor beds and the smaller greenhouse. The city will be out sometime this week marking utilities so we don’t accidentally dig in the wrong area.
If you are interested in volunteering and have time to help with this project please review the volunteer opportunities and likely days/times and sign up using this form!
The Urban Farmer and Committee respectfully ask residents not to park along Thoreau Avenue between Cousteau Drive and Village Center Drive from Monday, June 17th until Sunday, June 23rd. We plan to have dirt, pea gravel, and cinder blocks delivered onto tarps along the side of the street where cars normally park. We ask that you instead park in front of the greenhouses and alongside the concrete wall next to the old fuel shed.
We will try not to make too much noise and won’t plan to start work before 8am. We will try very hard not to inconvenience the residents of The Coop and the townhouses along Thoreau Avenue too much. In return, you will have an attractive view of the cleaned area, we will have more raised beds for community gardening and a safer area to walk in.
If you have or receive any large pieces of cardboard about the size of a large screen TV, we can put those to use where we will be clearing a space for a gravel walking path along the side of the greenhouse. Please drop off cardboard at the front left of the large greenhouse.
We have plans for a wheelchair ramp going up to the area where the dilapidated steps are now, as well as installing a pollinator hedgerow in the fall along the sidewalk.