News from the Urban Farm

The Orchard Fruit is Ripe
Christine Diaz Christine Diaz

The Orchard Fruit is Ripe

Help yourself to delicious and organic fruit in our orchard. The apples, Brooks plums and pears are ready.

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New Beds Complete
Christine Diaz Christine Diaz

New Beds Complete

We were able to install individually controlled microsprinklers to irrigate each raised garden bed, ensuring we minimize waste and can control what goes to each plant. And speaking of plants, each bed is now home to seedlings of cabbage, broccoli, and a few other veggies that we’ll be able to harvest and share with the community in a few months.

In addition, the new pathway is in progress! We installed stairs from the greenhouse up to the garden beds, and are in the middle of adding pavers to the gravel to make it easier to traverse.

In September, we’ll finish up clearing out the debris and soil piles and smoothing out the one end of the farm, and continuing the path around the corner and up to the alley. We’ll also be adding a hedgerow of pollinator friendly plants along the sidewalk in later fall.

Thank you to the amazing volunteers who are helping to make this possible!

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Willamette Health Council
Christine Diaz Christine Diaz

Willamette Health Council

We were excited to host Ally Moore from the Willamette Health Council (WHC) for a farm visit last week! The WHC supported the Sustainable Living Center and PCC in purchasing our new shed, so that our tools can stay safe and out of the elements! Farmer Colleen and urban farm committee members showed Ally around the glass houses, the new shed, and the new garden bed project, sending her back to the WHC office with some produce to share with colleagues. We heard more about the WHC's great work in supporting local community organizations that promote health and healthy living, and look forward to collaborating with them more in the future!


Meghan Ochal

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New Stock Tanks
Pringle Creek Urban Farm Pringle Creek Urban Farm

New Stock Tanks

Update regarding the County grant we received for our urban farm.

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Plant Sale Update
Pringle Creek Urban Farm Pringle Creek Urban Farm

Plant Sale Update

Our 2024 plant sale is a wrap! Here’s what into it.

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